Call now : (425) 231-4451

Some of What We can digitally scan:

Our Company at a Glance

  • Your documents are prepared for our high speed scanners. This involves removing bindings like staples and paperclips. Irregular sized documents are reformatted to a standard size. The process also includes putting pages in the proper order and locating missing ones.
  • The most straight forward step is the actual scanning. It is critical that the images created are easy to read. This is closely monitored for quality.
  • Once documents are scanned, one or more index fields are added to every image. We use Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software to create editable PDF files. These index fields are how you will find your documents in the future.
  • Your images are loaded onto a CD/DVD, thumb drive, or loaded onto your specific hard drive. These services make access and retrieval a breeze.

Knowledge Base

Digital scanning basic process:

Archive Secure Scanning, LLC

Archive Secure Scanning, LLC will help you turn mountains of files into digital images. These can be stored on disk, hard drive, or thumb drive. We manage the entire process and make it as painless as possible.

Archive Secure Scanning, LLC is a records retention management company serving the Snohomish County area. Our key benefits include reduced litigation risk, compliance with records retention laws, minimization of storage costs, organization of records for efficient retrieval and protection of critical information against loss or damage.


  • Legal Document
  • Real Estate Documents
  • Invoices/Statements
  • Tax Forms
  • Client Files

Archive secure scanning, llc